The weather was a bit miserable and the JugendCampus was officially still closed when our boss Gerrit Beck met with Markus Funke from the JugendCampus for a site visit in January 2020. The occasion: the joint viewing of a Wefapress® gift – a curling rink made of synthetic plastic with accessories. So far, it had served as a test web at Wefapress® and delivered decent results. But the spring opening of the curling rink had to be postponed due to Corona and fell into a slumber. To everyone’s delight, the campus has since reopened on a limited basis and offers activities for groups of up to seven participants. As soon as things return to normal, the track is ready and the kids can practice their skills and tactics in pairs or teams.
How did this donation come about? “The JugendCampus of Jugendwerk Vreden e.V. opened last September directly in the neighborhood of our Wefapress plant and has been fantastically well received by the children,” says Managing Director Gerrit Beck. And he continues: “This is a great facility and I spontaneously had the idea that our curling rink would be perfect as a complementary element for the outdoor area. One call to Markus Funke and it was a done deal!”
A new highlight for the YouthCampus
The former school, where the YouthCampus has found a home, was also remodeled with grant money. The campus is run by a committed team of volunteers and full-time staff, and with its YouthCAFE, a Youth OFFICE, a nature workshop and the large outdoor area, it is already impossible to imagine everyday life for many children and young people without it.
From now on, the JugendCampus is one attraction richer with this plastic curling rink. Wipe the ice field clean once, grab the ice sticks – and off you go ;-). As a manufacturer of technical plastics and individual plastic parts, we at Wefapress are pleased about this special use of our material and wish everyone a lot of fun with curling!